FAQ on Salvation
Question #3
What is the meaning of "Spiritually Dead" and spiritually being "Born Again?"
Each person has three integral parts: Spirit, Soul, and Body
(1 Thessalonians 5:23)" and
the Spirit used to abide in the most inner place as God has breathed the breath of Life into
the body of Adam, and man became a living soul
(Genesis 2:7). Until the first man
rebelled against God, man was without sin – he was "Spiritually Alive" and fellowshipped with
God daily (Genesis 3:8).
But the first man, Adam, was faced with the choice of obeying the
command of God or yielding to the temptation of Satan
(Genesis 3:1-7). As a result of
choosing to disobey God, Adam and all of his descendants are separated from
God due to their disobedience (Genesis 3:17-24). As a
result, not only do they have to die physically once, all of their souls
are bound to hell, which is prepared for Satan and his followers. This
separation from God is the state of being "Spiritually Dead."
But God loved mankind so much – He does not want to see all men, who were
created in God's own image, to fall into hell, which is the eternal death
as the wages to be paid for our sins. So God sent down His only Son to this earth
in a human body to die in our place.
During the last 2000 years, those people who have heard the Gospel of Salvation from Jesus,
His disciples, other Christians, or who read the Bible and have personally accepted Jesus
Christ as their personal savior of their soul in their heart, and who confessed with their
own mouth to identify themselves with other Christians, then the Holy Spirit came into their
inner place of the spirit and they are "Spiritually Born Again." Their
sins are forgiven and they are justified by the Blood of Jesus.
No matter how long or faithfully you have been attending church or serving,
if you do not have the assurance of being "Born Again," then
you are not yet a child of God, but maybe a pretender. If you cannot be
humble enough to admit what you are, you are walking in the wrong direction.
God Says:
Ephesians 1:13
"In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth,
the Gospel of your Salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye
were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise."
John 3:3
"Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
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Last Updated: 10 August 1997
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